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发表时间:2023-09-18 09:26






prompt: a minimalist living room design with primary colors and straight lines, inspired by kazimir malevich’s ‘suprematist composition.’ use bold, geometric furniture pieces and accent walls with primary colors to mimic the abstract, geometric style of suprematism.(受卡齐米尔·马列维奇的《超现实构图》启发,设计一个以主色和直线为特点的极简主义客厅。使用大胆的几何家具和拥有主色调的装饰墙,模仿超现实主义的抽象几何风格。)


prompt: a vibrant bedroom design featuring swirling patterns and vivid hues, echoing vincent van gogh’s ‘starry night.’ incorporate a swirling, starry night mural on the ceiling and use rich, textured fabrics to capture van gogh’s iconic brushstrokes.(设计一个充满活力的卧室,以旋涡般的图案和鲜明的色调为特色,呼应文森特·梵高的《星夜》。在天花板上加入涡旋般的星夜壁画,并使用丰富的纹理面料来捕捉梵高独特的笔触)


prompt: a cozy reading nook design with soft pastels and dreamy motifs, reminiscent of claude monet’s ‘water lilies.’ use water lily patterns for cushions and curtains, and a pastel color palette to create a serene, impressionistic atmosphere.


巴勃罗·毕加索的《阿维尼翁的少女们》prompt: a bold dining room design with exaggerated forms and vibrant colors, inspired by pablo picasso’s ‘les demoiselles d’avignon.’ use cubist-inspired furniture, a bold, vibrant color palette, and large-scale, abstract artwork to mimic picasso’s groundbreaking style.(设计一个大胆的餐厅,采用夸张的形态和鲜艳的色彩,受巴勃罗·毕加索的《阿维尼翁的少女们》启发。使用立体派风格的家具,大胆而鲜艳的色彩调色板,以及大尺度的抽象艺术作品,模仿毕加索开创性的风格)


prompt: a modern office design with fragmented shapes and contrasting colors, echoing georges braque’s ‘violin and candlestick.’ use cubist-inspired furniture and lighting fixtures, and a contrasting color. palette toreflect braque’s analytical cubism.’(设计一个现代化的办公室,采用碎片化的形状和对比鲜明的色彩,呼应乔治·布拉克的《小提琴与烛台》。使用立体派风格的家具和照明装置,以及对比鲜明的调色板,反映出布拉克的分析立体派风格)


prompt: a rustic patio design with earthy tones and organic shapes, reminiscent of georgia o’keeffe’s ‘red poppy.’ use organic-shaped furniture, earthy color tones, and large-scale floral patterns to capture o’keeffe’s unique interpretation of nature.



prompt: a chic bathroom design with surreal elements and fluid lines, inspired by salvador dali’s ‘the persistence of memory.’ use fluid-shaped fixtures, surreal artwork, and a monochromatic color palette with pops of vibrant colors to reflect dali’s dreamlike imagery(设计一个时尚别致的浴室,融入超现实元素和流线型设计,受萨尔瓦多·达利的《记忆的坚持》启发。使用流线型的装置,超现实主义艺术作品,以及单色调的调色板中点缀着鲜艳色彩,反映达利梦幻般的意象)


prompt: a luxurious bedroom design with intricate patterns and rich colors, echoing gustav klimt’s ‘the kiss.’ use gold accents, intricate patterns on bedding and wallpaper, and a rich color palette to mimic klimt’s ornamental style.(设计一个豪华的卧室,采用复杂的图案和浓郁的色彩,呼应古斯塔夫·克里姆特的《吻》。使用金色点缀,床上用品和壁纸上的复杂图案,以及丰富的调色板,模仿克里姆特的装饰风格。)


prompt: a contemporary living room design with bold lines and primary colors, reflecting piet mondrian’s ‘broadway boogie woogie.’ use geometric furniture pieces, a primary color palette, and grid-patterned accents to capture mondrian’s neoplastic style.”(设计一个现代化的客厅,采用大胆的线条和主色调,呼应皮特·蒙德里安的《百老汇布吕吕》。使用几何形状的家具,主色调的调色板以及网格图案的装饰,捕捉蒙德里安的新造型主义风格)


prompt: a dynamic home office design with kinetic elements and metallic hues, echoing alexander calder’s mobile sculptures. use hanging mobiles, curved furniture, and a monochromatic palette with metallic accents to reflect calder’s innovative kinetic art.(设计一个充满动感的家庭办公室,融入运动元素和金属色调,呼应亚历山大·考尔德的移动雕塑。使用悬挂式移动装置、弯曲的家具和带有金属点缀的单色调调色板,反映考尔德创新的动态艺术)

joan mir的《花园》

prompt: a playful children’s room design with bright colors and whimsical shapes, reminiscent of joan mir’s ‘the garden.’ incorporate abstract-shaped furniture, vibrant color palette, and playful patterns to capture mir’s surrealistic style.

edgar degas’ ‘the ballet class.’( 一个俏皮的儿童房设计,色彩鲜艳,形状奇特,让人联想到琼-米尔的《花园》。融入抽象形状的家具、鲜艳的色调和俏皮的图案,以捕捉米尔的超现实主义风格。)

edgar degas的‘芭蕾舞课

prompt: a sophisticated dining room design with a muted color palette and elegant forms, inspired by edgar degas’ ‘the ballet class.’ use ballet-inspired decor, soft pastel hues, and elegant furniture to reflect degas’ impressionistic style.( 一个精致的餐厅设计,采用柔和的色调和优雅的形式,灵感来自埃德加-德加的《芭蕾舞课》。使用芭蕾舞灵感的装饰、柔和的粉色色调和优雅的家具来反映德加的印象主义风格。)


prompt: a tranquil bathroom design with cool tones and fluid forms, inspired by hokusai’s ‘the great wave off kanagawa.’ incorporate wave-like tiles, cool blue tones, and japanese minimalist aesthetics to capture the essence of this iconic woodblock print.( 一个宁静的浴室设计,采用冷色调和流动的形式,灵感来自北斋的 "神奈川的大浪"。将波浪形的瓷砖、冷色调的蓝色和日本的极简主义美学结合起来,抓住这幅标志性的木版画的精髓)

frida kahlo的‘两个弗里达.’

prompt: a vibrant outdoor patio design with bold patterns and bright colors, echoing frida kahlo’s ‘the two fridas.’ use mexican-inspired patterns, bright colors, and folk art elements to capture kahlo’s personal and symbolic style.(一个充满活力的户外庭院设计,具有大胆的图案和明亮的色彩,与弗里达-卡洛的 "the two fridas "相呼应。使用墨西哥风格的图案、明亮的色彩和民间艺术元素来捕捉卡洛的个人和象征风格。)

turner的 '战斗的特梅尔'

prompt: a serene bedroom design with soft colors and dreamy landscapes, reminiscent of j.m.w. turner’s ‘the fighting temeraire.’ use maritime-themed decor, soft color palette, and landscape murals to capture turner’s romantic style.

( 用柔和的色彩和梦幻般的风景设计一个宁静的卧室,让人想起j.m.w.turner的《the fighting temeraire》。使用以海洋为主题的装饰、柔和的色调和风景壁画来捕捉特纳的浪漫风格。)


prompt: a modern kitchen design with geometric forms and a monochrome palette, inspired by josef albers’ ‘homage to the square.’ use square-shaped kitchenware, a monochrome color palette, and geometric patterns to reflect albers’ minimalist style.(从约瑟夫-阿尔贝斯的《向广场致敬》中得到灵感,设计一个具有几何形状和单色调的现代厨房。使用方形的厨具、单色的色调和几何图案来反映阿尔贝斯的极简主义风格)


prompt: a luxurious living room design with rich textures and ornate patterns, echoing gustave moreau’s ‘the apparition.’ use rich fabrics, ornate furniture, and a jewel-toned color palette to capture moreau’s symbolist style.( 一个豪华的客厅设计,具有丰富的纹理和华丽的图案,与古斯塔夫-莫罗的 "幻影 "相呼应。使用丰富的织物、华丽的家具和宝石色的色调来捕捉莫罗的象征主义风格。)

亨利-马蒂斯的 "切割"

prompt: a chic bathroom design with abstract patterns and a bold color palette, inspired by henri matisse’s ‘the cut-outs.’ use cut-out inspired tiles, bold color palette, and abstract patterns to capture matisse’s innovative cut-out technique.

(一个别致的浴室设计,带有抽象的图案和大胆的色调,灵感来自亨利-马蒂斯的 "剪纸"。使用以剪纸为灵感的瓷砖、大胆的色调和抽象的图案来捕捉马蒂斯的创新剪纸技术。)


prompt: a minimalist kitchen design with clean lines and neutral tones, echoing donald judd’s ‘stacks.’ use minimalist, box-shaped furniture, a neutral color palette for the walls and cabinets, and geometric patterns for the backsplash and floor tiles to reflect judd’s minimalist style.(一个简约的厨房设计,具有简洁的线条和中性色调,与唐纳德-贾德的《堆积》相呼应。使用简约的箱形家具,墙壁和橱柜采用中性色调,后挡板和地砖采用几何图案,以反映贾德的极简主义风格。)


prompt: a chic bedroom design with pastel colors and romantic motifs, inspired by marc chagall’s ‘i and the village.’ use dreamy pastel colors for bedding and curtains, whimsical artwork featuring floating figures and animals, and vintage furniture with curved lines to reflect chagall’s surrealistic style.(以马克-夏加尔的《我和村庄》为灵感,设计一个别致的卧室,采用粉色系和浪漫的主题。在床上用品和窗帘上使用梦幻般的粉色,以漂浮的人物和动物为特色的异想天开的艺术品,以及带有弧线的复古家具,以反映夏加尔的超现实主义风格。)

安德鲁-怀斯的 "克里斯蒂娜的世界"

prompt: a cozy reading nook design with warm colors and natural elements, reminiscent of andrew wyeth’s ‘christina’s world.’ use landscape-themed decor such as framed rural scenes, a warm color palette for the walls and cushions, and rustic, wooden furniture to capture wyeth’s realist style.(用温暖的颜色和自然元素设计一个舒适的阅读角落,让人联想到安德鲁-怀斯的《克里斯蒂娜的世界》。使用以风景为主题的装饰品,如有框的乡村风景,墙壁和坐垫的暖色调,以及质朴的木质家具,以捕捉怀斯的现实主义风格。)


prompt: a luxurious living room design with rich textures and ornate patterns, reminiscent of egon schiele’s ‘portrait of wally.’ use bold line accents on the walls, intricate patterns on rugs and cushions, and a rich color palette with deep reds and oranges to mimic schiele’s expressionist style.( 一个豪华的客厅设计,具有丰富的纹理和华丽的图案,让人想起埃贡-席勒的《瓦利的肖像》。在墙壁上使用大胆的线条点缀,在地毯和靠垫上使用复杂的图案,并使用深红色和橙色的丰富色调来模仿席勒的表现主义风格。)


prompt: a bold dining room design with exaggerated forms and vibrant colors, inspired by yayoi kusama’s ‘infinity nets.’ use large-scale, abstract artwork, a bold, vibrant color palette, and modern furniture with clean lines to mimic kusama’s avant-garde style.(从草间弥生的 "无边网 "中获得灵感,设计一个具有夸张形式和鲜艳色彩的大胆餐厅。使用大型的抽象艺术作品,大胆、鲜艳的色调,以及线条简洁的现代家具来模仿草间的前卫风格。)

罗玛尔-比尔登的 "街区"

prompt: a vibrant outdoor patio design with bold patterns and bright colors, inspired by romare bearden’s ‘the block.’ use collage-inspired patterns, bright colors, and folk art elements to capture bearden’s unique collage style.( 一个充满活力的户外庭院设计,具有大胆的图案和明亮的色彩,灵感来自于romare bearden的 "the block"。使用拼贴启发的图案、鲜艳的色彩和民间艺术元素来捕捉比尔登的独特拼贴风格。)


prompt: a contemporary living room design with bold lines and primary colors, inspired by ellsworth kelly’s ‘red blue green.’ use geometric furniture pieces, a primary color palette with bold reds, blues, and greens, and minimalist decor to capture kelly’s hard-edge style.”( 受埃尔斯沃思-凯利的《红蓝绿》启发,设计一个具有大胆线条和原色的现代客厅。使用几何形的家具,大胆的红色、蓝色和绿色的原色调,以及极简的装饰来捕捉凯利的硬朗风格"。)

在这篇文章中,我们探讨了如何将各种著名画家的风格作为室内设计的灵感。使用midjourney,我们为不同的房间创造了一系列的设计概念,每个房间都受到不同的杰作的影响。从卡兹米尔-马列维奇(kazimir malevich)的 "至上主义构图 "的极简主义几何图形到萨尔瓦多-达利(salvador dali)的 "记忆的持久性 "的充满活力的超现实主义,我们已经看到这些标志性的风格如何能够转化为独特和迷人的室内设计。无论你是一个寻求灵感的室内设计师,还是一个希望为自己的空间注入灵感的房主,都可以在这里找到。



