a futuristic cityscape inspired by blade runner, featuring flying cars and neon lights, with a twist – all the buildings are made of different popular candies and sweets like skittles, m&ms, and kit-kats. (一个受到电影《银翼杀手》启发的未来城市风景,有飞行汽车和霓虹灯,但与众不同的是,所有建筑物都由不同的流行糖果和甜食制成,如skittles、m&ms和kit-kat。)
a surreal underwater world in the style of salvador dali, where all the sea creatures are actually different tech gadgets like iphones, laptops, and smartwatches, floating amongst the seaweed and coral. (以萨尔瓦多·达利的风格呈现出超现实的水下世界,在这个世界里,所有的海洋生物实际上都是不同的科技设备,如iphone、笔记本电脑和智能手表,它们漂浮在海藻和珊瑚之间。)
a whimsical forest in the style of tim burton, where all the trees and plants are made of different popular fast food items like burgers, fries, and fried chicken, and all the animals are dressed as characters from alice in wonderland. (一个风格奇特的森林,以蒂姆·波顿的风格呈现,这里的所有树木和植物都是由汉堡包、薯条和炸鸡等不同的流行快餐食品制成,而所有的动物都穿着《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的角色服装。)
a steampunk-inspired train station, where all the trains are made of different popular soda brands like coca-cola, pepsi, and dr. pepper, and the passengers are robots and cyborgs. (一个以蒸汽朋克为灵感的火车站,所有的列车都是由可口可乐、百事可乐和博士胡椒等不同的流行汽水品牌制成,乘客则是机器人和半机械人。)
a futuristic theme park, inspired by disney's tomorrowland, with rides and attractions made of different popular video game consoles like xbox, playstation, and nintendo switch. (一个受迪士尼的《明日世界》启发的未来主题公园,里面的游乐设施和景点都是由xbox、playstation和任天堂switch等不同的流行游戏主机制成。)
a dreamlike beach in the style of max ernst, where all the beachgoers are famous superheroes and villains from the marvel and dc universes, lounging on sandcastles made of different types of cheese. (一个以马克斯·恩斯特的风格呈现的梦幻海滩,所有的海滩游客都是来自漫威和dc宇宙的著名超级英雄和反派,他们躺在由不同类型的奶酪制成的沙堡上。)
a post-apocalyptic wasteland, inspired by mad max, where all the vehicles and buildings are made of different popular snacks like doritos, pringles, and cheetos, and all the survivors are dressed as characters from the walking dead. (一个以《疯狂麦克斯》为灵感的末日废墟,里面的所有车辆和建筑都是由多利多、品客和奇多等不同的流行零食制成,所有的幸存者都穿着《行尸走肉》中的角色服装。)
a space station in the style of stanley kubrick's 2001: a space odyssey, where all the spaceships and equipment are made of different popular candy bars like snickers, milky way, and three musketeers, and all the astronauts are dressed as characters from star trek. (一个以斯坦利·库布里克的《2001太空漫游》为风格的太空站,里面的所有太空船和设备都是由snickers、银河和three musketeers等不同的流行巧克力棒制成,所有的宇航员都穿着《星际迷航》中的角色服装。)
a spooky graveyard in the style of edward gorey, where all the tombstones and monuments are made of different popular cookies like oreos, chips ahoy, and nutter butters, and all the ghosts are dressed as characters from the addams family. (一个以爱德华·戈里的风格呈现的恐怖墓地,里面的所有墓碑和纪念碑都是由奥利奥、chips ahoy和nutter butters等不同的流行饼干制成,所有的幽灵都穿着《亚当斯一家》中的角色服装。)
a fantastical castle in the style of john william waterhouse, where all the knights and princesses are dressed as characters from different disney movies, and all the castle walls and towers are made of different popular breakfast cereals like lucky charms, froot loops, and cocoa puffs. (一个以约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯的风格呈现的奇幻城堡,里面的所有骑士和公主都穿着来自不同迪士尼电影的角色服装,所有的城墙和塔楼都是由lucky charms、froot loops和cocoa puffs等不同的流行早餐谷物制成。)
the colosseum in rome, ad 80 – an overhead view of the colosseum in its prime, packed with thousands of spectators cheering on gladiators and wild animals in the arena. in the style of david roberts' 19th-century watercolor paintings. (罗马的科洛塞翁,公元80年 - 一张俯视科洛塞翁的照片,场内挤满了数千名观众,为角斗士和野兽的表演欢呼喝彩。风格仿效19世纪大卫·罗伯茨的水彩画。)
the great pyramids of giza, 2560 bc – an angled shot of the pyramids from the desert floor, with camels and nomads in the foreground and a bright blue sky in the background. in the style of maximilien luce's pointillist paintings. (吉萨的大金字塔,公元前2560年 - 一张从沙漠地面倾斜拍摄的金字塔照片,前景有骆驼和游牧民族,背景是明亮的蓝天。风格仿效马克西米利安·吕斯的点彩派画作。)
the library of alexandria, 300 bc – an interior view of the library's main hall, with shelves stacked with scrolls and scholars at work. in the style of ernst haeckel's art nouveau illustrations. (亚历山大图书馆,公元前300年 - 一张图书馆主厅内部的照片,书架上堆满了卷轴,学者们正在工作。风格仿效恩斯特·哈克尔的新艺术风格插图。)
the battle of waterloo, 1815 – a dramatic and chaotic scene of the battle of waterloo, with soldiers charging, horses galloping, and smoke rising from the battlefield. in the style of j.m.w. turner's romantic landscapes. (滑铁卢战役,1815年 - 一幅战役的戏剧性混乱场景,士兵冲锋,马匹奔驰,战场上升起烟雾。风格仿效j.m.w.特纳的浪漫主义风景画。)
the silk road, 500 ad – a bustling market scene along the silk road, with merchants and travelers haggling over spices, textiles, and exotic goods. in the style of henri rousseau's jungle scenes. (丝绸之路,公元500年 - 一幅熙熙攘攘的丝绸之路市场场景,商人和旅行者在香料、纺织品和异国商品上讨价还价。风格仿效亨利·卢梭的丛林场景画。)
the palace of versailles, 1682 – a grand and opulent interior of the palace of versailles, with chandeliers, gilded moldings, and aristocrats in fashionable attire. in the style of antoine watteau's rococo paintings. (凡尔赛宫,1682年 - 凡尔赛宫宏伟豪华的内部照片,有枝形吊灯、镀金装饰和身着时尚服饰的贵族。风格仿效安托万·瓦托的洛可可画作。)
the battle of agincourt, 1415 – a bird's eye view of the battle of agincourt, with english and french soldiers clashing on the battlefield and arrows raining down from the sky. in the style of peter paul rubens' baroque battle scenes. (阿金库尔战役,1415年 - 一张阿金库尔战役的鸟瞰图,英法两国士兵在战场上激战,箭雨从天空中落下。风格仿效彼得·保罗·鲁本斯的巴洛克战斗场景。)
the sistine chapel, 1480 – a close-up of the ceiling frescoes of the sistine chapel, with michelangelo's iconic images of adam, god, and the prophets. in the style of gustav klimt's art nouveau portraits. (西斯廷教堂,1480年 - 一张特写照片,展示了西斯廷教堂天花板的壁画,包括米开朗基罗创作的亚当、上帝和先知们的标志性形象。风格仿效古斯塔夫·克里姆特的新艺术风格肖像画。)
the parthenon in athens, 447 bc – an aerial view of the parthenon, with the columns, pediments, and sculptures set against a bright blue sky and the acropolis in the background. in the style of pablo picasso's cubist still-lifes. (雅典的帕台农神庙,公元前447年 - 一张帕台农神庙的鸟瞰图,柱子、山墙和雕塑矗立在明亮的蓝天和后景的雅典卫城背景下。风格仿效巴勃罗·毕加索的立体派静物画。)
the trevi fountain in rome, 19 bc – an evening shot of the trevi fountain, with the cascading water lit up by lanterns and a full moon in the sky. in the style of claude monet's impressionist water lily paintings. (罗马的特莱维喷泉,公元前19年 - 一张特莱维喷泉的夜景照片,水流从喷泉中倾泻而下,被灯笼照亮,天空中有一轮满月。风格仿效克劳德·莫奈的印象派睡莲画作。)
the roman forum, 500 bc – a bustling street scene in the roman forum, with chariots, senators, and vendors selling goods. in the style of marc chagall's surrealist landscapes. (罗马论坛,公元前500年 - 一幅繁忙的罗马论坛街景,有战车、参议员和摊贩们在卖商品。风格仿效马克·夏卡尔的超现实主义风景画。)
the leaning tower of pisa, 1173 – an angled shot of the leaning tower of pisa, with tourists and pigeons gathering at its base and the surrounding buildings of the city in the background. in the style of eadweard muybridge's stop-motion photographs. (比萨斜塔,公元1173年 - 一张比萨斜塔的斜角照片,底部聚集了游客和鸽子,背景是城市周围的建筑物。风格仿效埃德沃德·默布里奇的停顿照片。)
the tower of london, 1078 – a dramatic and foreboding view of the tower of london, with its battlements, turrets, and towers set against a cloudy sky. in the style of j.r.r. tolkien's illustrations. (伦敦塔,公元1078年 - 一张伦敦塔戏剧性而不祥的照片,城墙、角楼和塔楼矗立在多云的天空中。风格仿效j.r.r.托尔金的插图。)
the louvre museum, 1793 – a grand interior of the louvre museum, with the winged victory of samothrace(卢浮宫博物馆,1793 年——卢浮宫博物馆宏伟的内部装饰,以及萨莫色雷斯的胜利之翼)
a polaroid photo of cleopatra vii, the last pharaoh of ancient egypt, sitting on her throne in alexandria, 51 bc. (克利奥帕特拉七世的拍立得照片,古埃及最后一位法老,坐在公元前51年的亚历山大港王座上。)
a black and white photo of mahatma gandhi leading a peaceful protest march in india, 1948. (一张黑白照片,毛罗斯·甘地在1948年领导一次和平抗议游行活动。)
a color photo of martin luther king jr. giving his famous "i have a dream" speech at the lincoln memorial, 1963. (一张彩色照片,马丁·路德·金在1963年在林肯纪念堂发表著名的“我有一个梦想”的演讲。)
a sepia-toned photo of queen elizabeth i of england, smiling as she reviews her army before the spanish armada, 1588. (一张棕褐色调的照片,英国伊丽莎白一世在1588年西班牙无敌舰队出发前,微笑着检阅她的军队。)
a black and white photo of marco polo, trading with mongol horsemen in the silk road, 1271. (一张黑白照片,马可·波罗在1271年与蒙古骑手在丝绸之路上进行贸易。)
a color photo of marie curie, the first woman to win a nobel prize, working in her laboratory in paris, 1911. (一张彩色照片,玛丽·居里是第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性,在1911年在巴黎的实验室工作。)
a polaroid photo of the berlin wall, with east berliners looking out from behind the wall, 1983. (一张拍立得照片,柏林墙上的东柏林人从墙后往外望去,拍摄于1983年。)
a black and white photo of julius caesar, giving a speech to his army in gaul, 49 bc. (一张黑白照片,尤利乌斯·凯撒在公元前49年给他在高卢的军队发表演讲。)
a sepia-toned photo of florence nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, at scutari barracks hospital, 1854. (一张棕褐色调的照片,弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔是现代护理的创始人,在1854年的斯库塔里兵营医院。)
a color photo of charles darwin, standing on the deck of the hms beagle as it approaches the galapagos islands, 1835. (一张彩色照片,查尔斯·达尔文站在英国海狸号船的甲板上,船正在接近加拉帕戈斯群岛,拍摄于1835年。)
a polaroid photo of the launch of the space shuttle discovery, with the crew waving from the cockpit, 1984. (一张拍立得照片,记录着1984年航天飞机发射时,机组人员在驾驶舱中挥手的场景。)
a black and white photo of king henry viii, signing the act of supremacy to break away from the roman catholic church, 1534. (一张黑白照片,描绘了1534年亨利八世签署至高法令以脱离罗马天主教会的场景。)
a sepia-toned photo of abraham lincoln, delivering the gettysburg address during the american civil war, 1863. (一张棕褐色调的照片,展示了1863年亚伯拉罕·林肯在美国内战期间发表葛底斯堡演说的场景。)
a color photo of mother teresa, helping to feed the poor in calcutta, india, 1950. (一张彩色照片,描绘了1950年特蕾莎修女在印度加尔各答帮助贫困人群进食的场景。)
a polaroid photo of christopher columbus, landing in the new world, 1492. (一张拍立得照片,记录了1492年克里斯托弗·哥伦布登陆新大陆的场景。)
a black and white photo of the wright brothers, making the first powered flight at kitty hawk, north carolina, 1903. (一张黑白照片,描绘了1903年莱特兄弟在北卡罗来纳州基蒂霍克进行首次有动力飞行的场景。)
a sepia-toned photo of leonardo da vinci, painting the mona lisa, 1519. (一张棕褐色调的照片,展示了1519年莱昂纳多·达·芬奇绘制《蒙娜丽莎》的场景。)
a color photo of anne frank, sitting in her attic hideaway in amsterdam, 1942. (一张彩色照片,描绘了1942年安妮·弗兰克坐在阿姆斯特丹的阁楼藏身之处的场景。)
a polaroid photo of the fall of the berlin wall, with people celebrating and chipping away at the wall, 1989. (一张拍立得照片,记录了1989年柏林墙倒塌的场景,人们在庆祝并敲击着墙体。)
a black and white photo of alexander the great, leading his army into battle against the persians, 331 bc. (一张黑白照片,描绘了公元前331年亚历山大大帝率领军队与波斯人作战的场景。)
a sepia-toned photo of napoleon bonaparte, reviewing his troops in russia, 1812. (一张棕褐色调的照片,描绘了1812年拿破仑·波拿巴在俄罗斯检阅部队的场景。)
a color photo of george washington, crossing the delaware river during the american revolution, 1776. (一张彩色照片,展示了1776年乔治·华盛顿在美国革命期间穿越特拉华河的场景。)
a polaroid photo of the first man on the moon, neil armstrong, planting the american flag, 1969. (一张拍立得照片,记录了1969年尼尔·阿姆斯特朗成为月球上第一个人并插上美国国旗的场景。)
a black and white photo of king tutankhamun, lying in his tomb in the valley of the kings, 1922. (一张黑白照片,描绘了1922年图坦卡蒙国王躺在国王谷墓中的场景。)
a sepia-toned photo of the signing of the magna carta, establishing the rights of english citizens, 1215. (一张棕褐色调的照片,展示了1215年签署《大宪章》确立英国公民权利的场景。)
a color photo of robert falcon scott, reaching the south pole, 1912. (一张彩色照片,记录了1912年罗伯特·猎鹰·斯科特抵达南极点的场景。)
a polaroid photo of the construction of the great wall of china, with workers laying bricks and stones, 1300s. (一张拍立得照片,展示了1300年代修建中国长城的场景,工人们在铺设砖石。)
a black and white photo of julius caesar, being assassinated by senators in the roman senate, 44 bc. (一张黑白照片,描绘了公元前44年朱利叶斯·凯撒在罗马议会被参议员暗杀的场景。)
a sepia-toned photo of william the conqueror, leading his army into england at the battle of hastings, 1066. (一张棕褐色调的照片,展示了1066年威廉征服者在黑斯廷斯战役中率领军队进入英格兰的场景。)
a color photo of martin luther, nailing his 95 theses to the door of the wittenberg castle church, 1517. (一张彩色照片,描绘了1517年马丁·路德将95条论纲钉在维特堡城堡教堂门上的场景。)
a selfie of cleopatra in front of the sphinx in egypt, 20 bc, looking regal and confident with a golden headpiece, wearing a white linen dress and surrounded by her loyal egyptian army. (一张自拍照,描绘了公元前20年克莉奥佩特拉在埃及狮身人面像前的场景,她戴着金色头饰,身穿白色亚麻长裙,显得庄重自信,周围是她忠诚的埃及军队。)
a scene of julius caesar crossing the rubicon river in 49 bc, with a determined look on his face as he leads his army into italy and starts a civil war. (一幕描绘了公元前49年尤利乌斯·凯撒越过卢比孔河的场景,他满脸决然之色,带领军队进入意大利,引发内战。)
a snapshot of leonardo da vinci painting the last supper in 1498, with the apostles gathered around the table and the master artist adding final touches to the masterpiece. (一张快照,记录了1498年莱昂纳多·达·芬奇绘制《最后的晚餐》的场景,使徒们围坐在桌前,大师艺术家为这部杰作做最后的修饰。)
a group photo of the founding fathers signing the declaration of independence in 1776, with john hancock’s bold signature in the center and benjamin franklin smiling in the background. (一张创国元勋们于1776年签署《独立宣言》的合影,约翰·汉考克的大胆签名居中,本杰明·富兰克林在背景中微笑着。)
a time-traveler’s photo of king henry viii and anne boleyn walking in the gardens of greenwich palace in 1536, with the king looking handsome and the queen wearing a stunning dress. (一张时间旅行者拍摄的照片,描绘了1536年亨利八世国王和安妮·伯琳在格林尼治宫的花园中漫步的场景,国王英俊潇洒,王后身着华丽服装。)
a picture of alexander the great conquering the persian empire in 330 bc, with the mighty ruler on horseback and his army marching forward with their banners and weapons. (一张描绘公元前330年亚历山大大帝征服波斯帝国的画面,伟大的统治者骑在马上,他的军队高举旗帜、手持武器,阔步前进。)
a photo of queen elizabeth i giving a speech to her troops before the spanish armada in 1588, with a stern and confident expression and her red hair blowing in the wind. (一张女王伊丽莎白一世在1588年西班牙无敌舰队出发前向军队发表讲话的照片,她神情严肃自信,红发在风中飘扬。)
a scene of marco polo returning to venice after his travels to the east in 1295, with his camel loaded with treasures and a smile of excitement and wonder on his face. (一幕描绘了1295年马可·波罗从东方旅行归来,他的骆驼装满了宝藏,他的脸上洋溢着兴奋和惊奇的微笑。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with william the conqueror at the battle of hastings in 1066, with the norman king wearing his crown and holding his sword, ready to claim the english throne. (一张时间旅行者与征服者威廉在1066年黑斯廷斯战役中的自拍照,诺曼底国王戴着王冠,手持宝剑,准备夺取英国王位。)
a snapshot of christopher columbus discovering america in 1492, with the explorer standing on the deck of his ship and gazing at the new world in wonder and awe. (一张快照,记录了1492年克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现美洲的场景,探险家站在船上的甲板上,惊奇地凝视着新世界。)
a picture of marie curie in her laboratory in paris in 1898, with the scientist surrounded by her equipment and wearing a protective apron, discovering the secrets of radioactivity. (一张描绘1898年玛丽·居里在巴黎实验室的画面,科学家被设备环绕,身穿防护围裙,探索放射性的奥秘。)
a group photo of the apollo 11 astronauts on the moon in 1969, with neil armstrong and buzz aldrin planting the american flag and capturing the moment of human’s first steps on another celestial body. (一张1969年阿波罗11号宇航员在月球上的合影,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和巴兹·奥尔德林插上了美国国旗,记录下人类首次登上其他天体的时刻。)
a time-traveler’s photo of martin luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the wittenberg church in 1517, with the reformer looking determined and the bystanders shocked and curious. (一张时间旅行者拍摄的照片,描绘了1517年马丁·路德将95条论纲钉在维滕贝格教堂的门上的场景,改革者意志坚定,旁观者震惊而好奇。)
a scene of the sinking of the titanic in 1912, with the grand ship breaking in half and the passengers and crew desperately trying to escape the freezing waters. (一幕描绘了1912年泰坦尼克号沉没的场景,巨轮断成两截,乘客和船员拼命试图逃离冰冷的水域。)
a photo of william wallace leading the scottish army against the english at the battle of stirling bridge in 1297, with a fierce look of bravery and a sword held high. (一张描绘了1297年威廉·华莱士在斯特灵桥战役中带领苏格兰军队抗击英军的照片,他神情勇敢威猛,高举着剑。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with florence nightingale at the scutari hospital in 1854, with the nurse holding a lamp and looking compassionate as she cares for the wounded soldiers. (一张时间旅行者与弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔在1854年斯库塔里医院的自拍照,护士手持灯笼,悉心照料受伤的士兵,充满同情心。)
a snapshot of the berlin wall falling in 1989, with joyful germans dancing on the wall and celebrating the end of the cold war and the reunification of their country. (一张记录1989年柏林墙倒塌的快照,欢乐的德国人在墙上跳舞,庆祝冷战的结束和国家的重新统一。)
a picture of the wright brothers’ first flight in 1903, with the aviation pioneers lying on their stomachs on the glider, controlling the wings and feeling the freedom of flight. (一张描绘1903年莱特兄弟的首次飞行的画面,航空先驱们趴在滑翔机上,控制着机翼,感受着飞行的自由。)
a photo of marie antoinette walking in the palace of versailles in 1774, with the french queen surrounded by her courtiers and wearing a beautiful dress and a powdered wig. (一张描绘1774年玛丽·安托瓦内特在凡尔赛宫散步的照片,法国女王被侍从们围绕,身着美丽的礼服和粉饰的假发。)
a photograph of julius caesar giving a triumphant speech to a cheering crowd of roman citizens in 44 bc, in the style of an old oil painting. (一张公元前44年尤利乌斯·凯撒向欢呼的罗马市民发表胜利演讲的摄影作品,以古老油画的风格呈现。)
a polaroid photo of a young marie curie in her laboratory in paris, france, in the year 1898, with a beaker of glowing green liquid in her hand. (一张1898年的法国巴黎,年轻的玛丽·居里在她的实验室里,手中拿着一个发出绿色光芒的烧杯的拍立得照片。)
a snapshot of leonardo da vinci in his workshop in florence, italy, in the year 1500, surrounded by sketches, paints, and his latest invention, a flying machine. (一张1500年的意大利佛罗伦萨,列奥纳多·达·芬奇在他的工作室里的快照,周围有素描、颜料和他最新的发明——一架飞行器。)
an anonymous man in medieval armor, standing on a battlefield at the battle of agincourt in 1415, in the style of a medieval illuminated manuscript. (一位中世纪盔甲中的无名男子,站在1415年阿金库尔战役的战场上,呈现中世纪彩饰手抄本的风格。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with cleopatra in her palace in alexandria, egypt, in the year 30 bc, with a view of the stunning mediterranean sea in the background. (一张时间旅行者与克利奥帕特拉在她位于埃及亚历山大港的宫殿里的自拍照,背景是壮丽的地中海景色。)
a colorful oil painting of a crowded market in the city of timbuktu, mali, in the year 1375, with vendors selling spices, cloth, and gold. (一幅描绘1375年马里汤布图城热闹市场的彩色油画,摊贩们出售香料、布料和黄金。)
a black-and-white photograph of a young mahatma gandhi leading a peaceful protest march in india in 1930, in the style of a documentary film. (一张1930年印度年轻的圣雄甘地领导和平抗议游行的黑白照片,呈现纪录片的风格。)
a polaroid photo of king tutankhamun’s burial chamber in the valley of the kings in egypt, in the year 1922, with the iconic golden mask on display. (一张1922年埃及国王谷图坦卡蒙陵墓的拍立得照片,展示着标志性的黄金面具。)
a snapshot of william shakespeare on the stage at the globe theater in london, england, in the year 1600, with actors rehearsing a scene from "hamlet". (一张1600年英国伦敦环球剧场舞台上的威廉·莎士比亚快照,演员们正在排练《哈姆雷特》的一场戏剧。)
an anonymous peasant girl at the coronation of king henry iii in westminster abbey in england, in the year 1216, in the style of a medieval illuminated manuscript. (一位中世纪彩饰手抄本风格的1216年英国威斯敏斯特教堂国王亨利三世加冕典礼上的无名农村女孩。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with socrates in athens, greece, in the year 399 bc, surrounded by students eager to learn his philosophy. (一张时间旅行者与苏格拉底在公元前399年希腊雅典的自拍照,周围是渴望学习他哲学的学生。)
a black-and-white photograph of martin luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the wittenberg castle church in germany in 1517, in the style of a historical documentary. (一张1517年德国维滕贝格城堡教堂门上马丁·路德钉上他的《九十五条论纲》的黑白照片,呈现历史纪录片的风格。)
a snapshot of mozart composing his latest symphony in vienna, austria, in the year 1791, surrounded by instruments and sheet music. (一张1791年奥地利维也纳,莫扎特创作他最新交响曲的快照,周围是乐器和乐谱。)
an anonymous knight in shining armor, riding his horse into battle at the battle of crecy in france in 1356, in the style of a medieval illuminated manuscript. (一位中世纪彩饰手抄本风格的无名闪亮盔甲骑士,骑着马参加1356年法国克雷西战役。)
a polaroid photo of a young elvis presley performing in memphis, tennessee, in the year 1955, with the crowd going wild and the iconic blue suede shoes on display. (一张1955年田纳西州孟菲斯,年轻的埃尔维斯·普雷斯利在演出中的拍立得照片,人群疯狂欢呼,标志性的蓝色绒面皮鞋展示出来。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with julius caesar crossing the rubicon in 49 bc, surrounded by roman soldiers, in the style of an old oil painting. (一张时间旅行者与朱利叶斯·凯撒于公元前49年越过卢比孔河的自拍照,周围是罗马士兵,呈现旧油画的风格。)
a black-and-white photograph of a young winston churchill giving a rousing speech in the house of commons in london, england, in 1940, in the style of a historical documentary. (一张1940年英国伦敦下议院年轻的温斯顿·丘吉尔发表慷慨激昂演讲的黑白照片,呈现历史纪录片的风格。)
a snapshot of beethoven conducting his ninth symphony in vienna, austria, in 1824, surrounded by musicians and the audience. (一张1824年奥地利维也纳,贝多芬指挥他的第九交响曲的快照,周围是音乐家和观众。)
an anonymous sailor on the deck of the hms victory at the battle of trafalgar in 1805, in the style of an oil painting from the era. (一位中世纪彩饰手抄本风格的无名水手,身处1805年特拉法尔加战役的胜利号甲板上,呈现当时的油画风格。)
a polaroid photo of a young martin luther king jr. giving his "i have a dream" speech in washington d.c. in 1963, in the style of a documentary film. (一张1963年马丁·路德·金在华盛顿特区发表《我有一个梦想》演讲的年轻自拍照,呈现纪录片的风格。)
a time-traveler’s selfie with genghis khan on the mongol plains in the 13th century, surrounded by his fierce mongol warriors, in the style of a historical painting. (一张时间旅行者与成吉思汗在13世纪蒙古草原的自拍照,周围是他勇猛的蒙古战士,呈现历史画作的风格。)