import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# 讀取資料
url = ''
file_id = url.split('/')[-2]
dwn_url = '' file_id
df = pd.read_csv(dwn_url)
# 篩選資料
date_filter = df['date'] == '2020-07-01'
filtered_df = df[date_filter]
top_10_df = filtered_df.nlargest(10, 'dollar_price')
# 設定圖表樣式
# 繪製長條圖
colors = ['#ffffff', '#bc002d']
ax = sns.barplot(x='dollar_price', y='name', data=top_10_df, palette=colors)
# 加入標籤及標題
ax.set_title('2020 top 10 big mac index', fontsize=18)
ax.set_xlabel('dollar price', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('name', fontsize=14)
# 設定y軸字型大小
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)
# 加入x軸刻度線標籤
for i in ax.containers:
ax.bar_label(i, label=f"${i.get_xy()[0] i.get_width():.2f}", label_type='edge', fontsize=10)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------attributeerror traceback (most recent call last)
| () 32# 加入x軸刻度線標籤 33for i
in ax
:---> 34ax
, label
=f"${i.get_xy()[0] i.get_width():.2f}", label_type
='edge', fontsize
=10) 35 36 plt
()attributeerror: 'barcontainer' object has no attribute 'get_xy'
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# 讀取資料
url = ''
file_id = url.split('/')[-2]
dwn_url = '' file_id
df = pd.read_csv(dwn_url)
# 篩選資料
date_filter = df['date'] == '2020-07-01'
filtered_df = df[date_filter]
top_10_df = filtered_df.nlargest(10, 'dollar_price')
# 設定圖表樣式
# 繪製長條圖
colors = ['#005bbb', '#ffd500']
ax = sns.barplot(x='dollar_price', y='name', data=top_10_df, palette=colors)
# 加入標籤及標題
ax.set_title('2020 top 10 big mac index', fontsize=18)
ax.set_xlabel('dollar price', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('name', fontsize=14)
# 設定y軸字型大小
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)
# 加入x軸刻度線標籤
for i in ax.containers:
ax.bar_label(i, label=f"${i.get_xy()[0] i.get_width():.2f}", label_type='edge', fontsize=10)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------attributeerror traceback (most recent call last)
| () 32# 加入x軸刻度線標籤 33for i
in ax
:---> 34ax
, label
=f"${i.get_xy()[0] i.get_width():.2f}", label_type
='edge', fontsize
=10) 35 36 plt
()attributeerror: 'barcontainer' object has no attribute 'get_xy'
import pandas as pd
import folium
# 讀取資料
url = ''
file_id = url.split('/')[-2]
dwn_url = '' file_id
df = pd.read_csv(dwn_url)
# 篩選出 date='2020-07-01' 且 dollar_price 為量化數值的資料
df_filtered = df[(df['date'] == '2020-07-01') & (df['dollar_price'].notnull())]
# 排序取前十筆資料
df_sorted = df_filtered.sort_values(by='dollar_price', ascending=false).head(10)
# 創建地圖
m =[30, 0], zoom_start=2)
# 加入國旗 icon
icon_size = {1: 20, 2: 30, 3: 40, 4: 50, 5: 60}
for i, row in df_sorted.iterrows():
location=[row['lat'], row['lon']],
tooltip=f"{row['name']} - {row['dollar_price']}",
icon=folium.icon(icon='flag', icon_color='white', prefix='fa',
icon_size=icon_size.get(row['dollar_price'], 20))
# 設定標題
title_html = '''
2020 top 10 big mac index
# 顯示地圖
---------------------------------------------------------------------------keyerror traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in
get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3801try:-> 3802return self
) 3803except keyerror
as err
5 frames
pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in
pandas._libs.hashtable.pyobjecthashtable.get_item()pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in
pandas._libs.hashtable.pyobjecthashtable.get_item()keyerror: 'lat'the above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
keyerror traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in
get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3802return self
) 3803except keyerror
as err
:-> 3804raise keyerror
)from err
3805except typeerror: 3806# if we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise
keyerror: 'lat
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# 讀取資料
url = ''
file_id = url.split('/')[-2]
dwn_url = '' file_id
df = pd.read_csv(dwn_url)
# 篩選資料
date_filter = df['date'] == '2020-07-01'
filtered_df = df[date_filter]
top_10_df = filtered_df.nlargest(10, 'dollar_price')
# 設定圖表樣式
sns.set_palette(['#fbcd00', '#d90000'])
# 繪製長條圖
ax = sns.barplot(x='dollar_price', y='name', data=top_10_df)
# 加入標籤及標題
ax.set_title('2020 top 10 big mac index', fontsize=18)
ax.set_xlabel('dollar price', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('name', fontsize=14)
# 設定y軸字型大小
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)